When a patient visits us for a routine or emergency visit, we will often ask if they have been brushing and flossing their teeth. Most people will honestly answer this question. Other patients will not. How will we know? We’re professionals and know the ins and outs of oral care, and here’s what we look for!
Plaque and Tartar Build up Between the Teeth
All dentists know that brushing alone cannot get rid of all plaque and food particles. People have to floss their teeth to get this type of benefit. The crevices between a person’s teeth are too tight for a person to brush the junk away. So, flossing is designed to get the job done as well as possible in between regular cleanings.
Bad Gums
If a person has red, swollen or irritated gums; plaque is probably the main culprit for this problem. Plaque build up along the gum line can cause gum disease and other serious problems. Once again, brushing will not always get rid of this substance, and a person will have to regularly floss their teeth to rid them of bacteria.
Cavities and Flossing
If a person has a cavity, in most cases it results from bad oral care. Cavities start off from plaque., and when people do not clean their teeth on a regular basis the bacteria will chew through the enamel causing a cavity. Flossing is critical for removing plaque and maintaining the gums. It is also necessary for preventing them in the future.
Speaks Orthodontics is a dental practice that provides excellent dental care.