Are you starting your Invisalign journey? You’re one step closer to a straighter, more beautiful smile! Here are a few ways to keep your custom-made, clear aligners in good shape.
Tips To Keep Your Aligners Clean
Tip #1
Every time you take your aligners out of your mouth, rinse them off with water to remove any bacteria. We also suggest carrying around dental floss and a travel toothbrush and toothpaste so you can clean your teeth before you put your aligners back in your mouth.
Tip #2
At least once a week you should be soaking them with an aligner-based cleaner to give them a deeper cleaning. But brush softly! If you brush too hard, you can scratch the plastic on your aligners.
Tip #3
Don’t ever eat or drink anything (besides water) with your aligners in. This will easily stain your Invisalign aligners and any leftover sugar will stick to your teeth causing plaque build up.
Tip #4
Don’t use toothpaste to clean your aligners. Many brands contain particles that will create teeny tiny scratches in the plastic.
It’s time to start your journey towards a straighter smile with Invisalign Teen. And the experienced team at Speaks Orthodontics — including Dr. Speaks — can help!